Nagajuna’s Sixty Stanzas on Reasoning Part 9 Dzongsar Rinpoche
These are just some notes taken and comments by a confused and deluded practitioner, watch and listen to the talk. This is mostly here so google might find it, and someone might stumble on to it. The video is by someone who knows what he is talking about, these notes are not.
Nagajuna’s Sixty Stanzas on Reasoning Part 8 Dzongsar Rinpoche This version has no ads or YouTube distractions Nagajuna 8 These are just notes by a confused being from a talk by a sublime being trying to understand the most profound teachings of the Buddha, via Nagajuna via Dzongsar Rinpoche. If you found yourself here, don’t bother reading this, watch the
Nagajuna’s 60 stanzas on reasoning #7 Dzongsar Rinpoche
The Buddha said KNOW your suffering first, then said look at the cause of suffering then see there actually is no suffering then explained the cause of suffering. which is believing that anything is truly existent rather than just illusion. These are some note for discussion purposes written by a confused
Nagajuna’s Sixty Stanzas on Reasoning Part 6 Dzongsar Rinpoche The link below is hosted elsewhere from YouTube so no ads or other distractions.
Nagarjuna’s Sixty Stanzas on Reasoning Part 5 Dzongsar Rinpoche
Talk 5 Nagajuna DKR How to solve the problem of sentient beings. The underlying problem that sentient beings have is, that suffering comes from thinking that things truly exist. Believing that things truly exist. WARNING – these are just notes on the talk, written by a confused being; best to watch
60 stanzas on reason, Nagajuna DKR #3
Talk 3 , 60 stanzas on reasoning of Nagajuna by Dzongsar Rinpoche Just recognizing impermanence, simple stuff like we are going to die, can help see the truth of no truly existing reality. More babbling of someone living in the slime and muck of the dark age. Simply notes or paraphrasing and
60 stanzas on reason, Nagajuna DKR #4
Talk 4 Nagajuna DKR The 5 Skandhas or Aggregates or heaps seem to be the basis of the confused notion that an actual “self” exist. But according to Nagajuna, who apparently argued with a lot of Indians, even the aggregates themselves are also non-existent, like a dream, like a mirage, like the
DKR, Nagajuna 60 verses Madhyamika talk 2 Warning: what is to follow are just the babblings of someone discussing these talks with others. They are posted here mostly to keep Google happy and that someone may stumble upon the talk by Dzongsar Rinpoche and benefit from it. As someone else commented, it seemed like it might be old
NagaJuna 60 stanzas DKR talk 1
The whole teachings or essence of Buddhism is that we have Buddha nature, i.e. we are already Buddha, if we can recognize that, then that’s it. But, if we can’t recognize that, and as an aid to recognizing that we can discover, recognize or realize shunyata. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form
From Lions Jaw an amazing book, and adventure story a spiritual teaching, possibly the gateway to sanity
The Four Immeasurables
May all sentient beings enjoy happiness and the root of happiness. May they be free from suffering and the root of suffering. May they not be separated from the great happiness devoid of suffering. May they dwell in the great equanimity free from passion, aggression, and prejudice.
LIES are the magic of the setting sun.
Whereas seeing things as they are and facing reality, as it is, is what invokes drala.
Impermanence, suffering, egolessness, and peace.
view, practice, action, and result.
shampooing in the morning, coffin in the afternoon
Talk on impermanence- dzongsar khyentse rinpoche
The fool waitsFor conditionsTo be right beforeBeing happy.And even then, it is fleeting.Maintain a joyousAttitude, always….An open heart is the best medicine,Open it a little moreWith every breath.Approach every actAs if it were yourLast on Earth.Think,“If my next birth wereDetermined by this act alone,What karmic impactWill be left on my loved ones
Now over 70 years old, Don spends time on his boat, working on esp32, Arduino and electronics projects, but still offers consulting if there is a good fit.
- Canadian - September 12, 2024
- simple truth from a straight white man (CAUTION) - June 20, 2024
- Watch “Hinamudra, Deer Park, Bir, India, March 25-28, 2018 – Part 4” on YouTube - June 18, 2024