Privacy Policy

effective January 1, 2021

It is not our intention to make your email address or other contact information generally available to others. However, we do plan to use it to remain in contact with you and make offers that we feel may be in your best interests. If you accept certain offers, such as affiliate products, your email will of necessity be forwarded to the affiliate partner/provider. At any time you will be able to unsubscribe entirely or partially from our mailing list. You can also request that your information be purged from our system. Any automated emails you receive from us will contain an unsubscribe link. Details of our policy are below.

  • Your email address and other contact information that you provide to us may be used in any or all of the following ways:
    • To contact you for administrative and business-related communications
    • We may contact you to deliver services you have subscribed to such as a newsletter, a course or similar.
    • To make you aware of offerings we provide that we feel may have value to you
    • To make you aware of offerings that we may receive compensation for providing, that we feel may have value to you
    • To make you aware of offerings that we receive NO compensation for that we feel may have value to you.
    • Your email address may be forwarded to a third party from which you are obtaining a service through us, such as an affiliate product or service provider.
    • Your email address may be provided to a; partner, subcontractor or service provider who is working with us, or on our behalf for the purpose of providing services to you.
      We are not liable nor can we be held responsible for actions they take after obtaining your email address from us.
  • What we will not do with your email address
    • Distribute your email without your permission
    • Sell or share your email with outside entities
    • Should this company be purchased in whole or in part, your email address would be conveyed to the purchaser as part of the intellectual property of the company.
    • We will provide you email should we be legally compelled to do so.
    • Your information can be requested to be purged from our systems, however for legal, billing or technical reasons this may not always be possible. However, should you request deletion of your information it will be done to the degree that we have the power to do so.


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